You can grow your business without harming the environment by choosing SNAP's Responsible Energy.
Responsible Energy is
Renewable Energy
You have the choice to use 100% Renewable Energy. With the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP), a monthly energy consumption of greater than 100 kW average peak demand allows you to choose from your preferred renewable energy supplier.
With over 640MW of renewable energy in our portfolio, SNAP is ready to offer 100% Renewable Energy solutions that meet your power requirements without harming the environment. KNOW MORE ABOUT GEOP
Wholly renewable and
responsible energy that
significantly reduces your
carbon footprint.
Energy option from the
locally available and
renewable resources.
Reliable supply+
Reliable partner that
supports you get
ahead of your game.
Competitive price
that allows you to
grow your business.
Your Growth, Progress, and Success is powered by SNAP's Responsible Energy.
Responsible Energy is
Reasonable Energy
With a monthly average peak demand of 500 kW or above, you can choose your preferred power supplier through Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) market. This allows you to negotiate for reasonable generation rate instead of DU's volatile price, and choose the suitable energy products that meet your requirements.
With business partners from different industries, SNAP understands that each customer has their unique requirements. Let us manage your power requirements while you focus on other aspects of your business. KNOW MORE ABOUT RCOA
Competitive price and
Zero-Vat option* that
allow you to grow your
Flexibility to address
your energy
Renewable Energy
portfolio that reduces
your carbon footprint.
Reliable supply+
Reliable partner that
supports you get
ahead of your game.